Anatomy of an academic mobbing

mobbing lektura

Anatomy of an academic mobbing

strona Critical mass

As a workplace, academia is highly hospitable to mobbing behavior. Hence the scholarship of Kenneth Westhues, websites such as Academic Mobbing and Bullied Academics, novels such as Philip Roth’s The Human Stain, and occasional articles in the Chronicle of Higher Ed and similar venues. These acknowledgements of time-honored ivory tower behavior are recent (though they may be said to have their ancestral roots in the work of people like Mary McCarthy, Randall Jarrell, and, of course, Arthur Miller), and they mark the emergence of a discussion–and a self-examination–academics have long needed to conduct.

I’ve followed the unfolding contours of that discussion with great interest, and am particularly taken by the news–reported today in the New York Times, the Chronicle of Higher Ed, and many, many other places, of how Oxford professor Ruth Padel effectively engineered the mobbing of Nobel laureate Derek Walcott when they were competing for a coveted Oxford poetry professorship……..

Podyplomowe studia z zakresu mediacji i innych alternatywnych form rozwiązywania sporów


W Kortowie będą się kształcić mediatorzy

e-Gazeta uniwersytecka

Wydział Prawa i Administracji UWM uruchamia od października tego roku pierwsze w regionie podyplomowe studia z zakresu mediacji i innych alternatywnych form rozwiązywania sporów. Kształcenie będzie trwać 2 semestry.

– Chcemy zainteresować nimi nie tylko prawników, kuratorów czy pedagogów. Mediatorem może próbować zostać w zasadzie każdy bez względu na dotychczasowe wykształcenie – wyjaśnia dr Adam Zienkiewicz z Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UWM, prawnik, mediator, kierownik studiów…

Inauguracja studiów mediacyjnych na UWM prawdopodobnie zbiegnie się z ważnym wydarzeniem – Międzynarodowym Dniem Mediacji, w którego obchody Wydział Prawa i Administracji UWM postara się włączyć.


Mediator – zawód, misja, sztuka

Nature and extent of mobbing in the workplace

mobbing lektura

Nature and extent of mobbing in the workplace

Jacek Sroka

European Working Conditions Observatory

Research carried out at the University of Gdańsk in 2006 and 2007 has yielded a set of social characteristics of persons who engage in mobbing or bullying in the workplace, along with a list of the pathological activities which most often constitute mobbing. Overall, three relatively common types of mobbing activity were identified. The study covered 643 employees chosen at random from a number of enterprises throughout Poland.

Mobbing in context of labour code

Article 943, paragraph 2, of the Polish Labour Code defines ‘mobbing’ as actions or behaviour referring to an employee, or directed against an employee, comprising persistent and drawn-out harassment or intimidation of that employee. Such actions or behaviour have the effect that the employee’s own assessment of their vocational value is compromised, causing – or aimed at – humiliation or ridicule of the employee and/or their isolation or elimination from the workplace team.

Article 943, paragraph 1, of the Labour Code obliges the employer to counteract mobbing. Such behaviour is a new concept in Polish law, codified only in 2004. No clear criteria have been established by organisational practice as to what exactly might constitute mobbing or bullying. Such criteria would be valuable within the framework of enforcing workplace discipline, ensuring that employees follow instructions and cultivating appropriate behaviour and attitudes in the workplace. Thus, the need arises to systematically monitor the characteristics and activities associated with mobbing. At present, no such monitoring is maintained, and information about the incidence of mobbing is of a fragmentary nature. For example, the National Labour Inspectorate (Państwowa Inspekcja Pracy, PIP) has carried out research focused on mobbing on only one occasion – in 2004 – immediately after the introduction of the concept to Polish law.

In light of this lack of research, a recent study carried out at the University of Gdańsk offers a useful insight into the problem.

About the study

The study posed questions concerning: 1) the demographic profile of mobbing victims and the sectors of the economy in which mobbing is most frequent; 2) the most frequent types of mobbing activity; and 3) the traits of the typical perpetrator of mobbing.

Carried out between October 2006 and February 2007, the survey covered 643 employees from all over Poland working in one of the following sectors:

  • public sector at national or local level;
  • health;
  • education, including higher education;
  • defence activities;
  • public security, law and order activities;
  • business activities.

The questionnaire was filled out by volunteers employed in randomly selected enterprises. Participating employees were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire setting out the classicsuggestions of mobbing activity put forward by Heinz Leyman.

Most frequent types of mobbing activity

Although the results of the research are not based on a representative number of participants, three rather common types of mobbing activity could be identified (Table 1). The first type consisted of actions compromising the reputation of the victim, aiming to reduce her or his worth as perceived by co-workers and leading to a loss of respect for the victim. The second type comprised actions interfering with communication flows, with the result that victims become isolated in their work. The third type consisted of efforts undermining the victim’s social relations in the workplace, causing other employees to shun her or him. Compromising the victim’s vocational standing was found to be somewhat less common.

Table 1: Most frequent types of mobbing activity
Form of mobbing activity % of replies by mobbing victims (159 persons)
Compromising victim’s reputation .
– Parodies 22.6
– Violation of dignity 25.8
– Ridicule 44.6
– Slander 56.0
– Criticism of victim’s decisions 66.7
– Unfair assessment of efforts 67.3
Interference with communications .
– Criticism of victim’s work 17.6
– Interruptions when victim is speaking 20.13
– Insulting gestures 35.2
– Raised voice 47.8
Disruption of social relations .
– Isolation from other employees 33.3
– Shunning by superior 55.3
Compromising victim’s vocational standing .
– Assignments for which victim is over-qualified 16.3
– Humiliating assignments 23.9
– Enforced idleness 28.9
Detriment to health: .
– Psychological damage 11.3

Source: Miedzik, M., ‘Mobbing – charakterystyka zjawiska w Polsce’, Polityka społeczna, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2008

Traits of perpetrators

According to the 159 mobbing victims in the sample, mobbing was most often committed by their superiors (80.5%), including immediate superiors (53.5%) and overall superiors (27%) (Table 2). Male mobbing victims tend to identify the perpetrator as another man (71%), while female victims are more likely to identify another woman as being responsible (58.6%). In terms of age profile, the highest proportion of mobbing perpetrators was found in the 41–50 years age group.

Table 2: Traits of mobbing perpetrators
Trait % of replies by mobbing victims (159 persons) % of male victims (55 persons) % of female victims (104 persons)
Position – Direct superior 53.5 60.0 50.0
– Overall superior 27.0 27.3 26.9
– Co-workers 13.2 9.1 15.4
– Subordinates 0.6 0 1.0
– No data 5.7 3.6 6.7
Sex Female 47.2 25.4 58.6
Male 47.8 71.0 35.6
No data 5.0 3.6 5.8
Age 20–30 years 10.1 9.1 10.6
31–40 years 27.7 32.7 25.0
41–50 years 43.4 43.6 43.2
51–60 years 13.8 11.0 15.4
No data 5.0 3.6 5.8

Source: Miedzik, 2008


The data indicate that mobbing is a relatively serious issue in Poland, even if the scale of the problem is not significantly different from that found in other Member States of the European Union. It is a cause of concern that no regular studies are being pursued in this area. This may indicate that public institutions in Poland have a tendency to dismiss the problem of mobbing as a marginal concern. Thus, a systematic, regular monitoring of the situation in Poland is urgently needed; unfortunately, there is little to indicate that this will occur anytime in the near future.

Jacek Sroka, Institute of Public Affairs (ISP)16 October, 2008

European Working Conditions Observatory

Klika pawianów

mobbing lektura

Klika pawianów

to fragment książki Reguła przetrwania Vitusa R. Droschera przedrukowany w niezapomnianym Przeglądzie  Technicznym nr.22 z r. 1981

Nieraz przypomina to   sceny z życia akademickiego

Sztuka nękania

mobbing lektura

Sztuka nękania

Focus, 20/09/09

Ludzie stosują mobbing wobec kolegów czy koleżanek w pracy. Zwierzęta – wyłącznie wobec drapieżników (z małym wyjątkiem dla kukułki). Cel jest identyczny: dręczyć nielubianego, niechcianego lub wręcz groźnego osobnika tak długo, aż ucieknie z biura lub innego terytorium

Pomysł powołania rzecznika praw absolwenta

Rzecznicy praw

Kudrycka otworzy wielką bibliotekę w Internecie


[środowiska naukowe] sceptycznie podchodzą  do innego pomysłu resortu: powołania rzecznika praw absolwenta.

– Będzie to funkcja w Radzie Głównej Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego – mówi dr Andrzej Kurkiewicz z resortu nauki. Rada odpowiada za standardy kształcenia, ma wpływ na programy studiów, a zadaniem RPA będzie analiza efektów kształcenia, utrudnień dla absolwentów i dbanie o dostosowanie programów do rynku pracy – tłumaczy. – Zdarza się, że absolwent np. budownictwa musi się dokształcać, by zdobyć uprawnienia do zarządzania budową. Zależy nam na skróceniu czasu uzyskiwania uprawnień, które w Polsce trwa nawet dwa lata, podczas gdy za granicą trzy miesiące – dodaje dr Kurkiewicz.

Ale rektor Politechniki Koszalińskiej prof. Tomasz Krzyżyński twierdzi, że zapotrzebowanie na inżynierów budownictwa jest takie, iż nie słyszał, by jego absolwenci mieli problemy z wykonywaniem zawodu tuż po studiach.

– Uczelnie mają biura karier, które pomagają absolwentom. Może lepiej więcej pieniędzy przeznaczyć na praktyki zawodowe, zamiast tworzyć nowy organ – dodaje dr Jacek Przygodzki, rzecznik prasowy Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.

Resort twierdzi, że rzecznik praw absolwenta nie będzie nowym urzędem ani nie będzie miał rozbudowanego biura.

IV Kongres Prawno–Pracowniczy

IV Kongres Prawno–Pracowniczy

Kongres odbędzie się w dniach 24 – 25 września 2009r. w Warszawie, w hotelu Marriott*****

Program konferencji: Dzień II

Mobbing w miejscu pracy
Mateusz Mrzygłód – BSO Prawo & Podatki

1. Mobbing

* Definicje mobbingu
* Cechy mobbingu
* Jak odróżnić mobbing od konfliktu?
* Skutki i skala zjawiska mobbingu
* Mobbing a molestowanie seksualne
* Mobbing a praca pod kierownictwem pracodawcy

2. Obowiązki pracodawcy związane ze zjawiskiem mobbingu.

* Obowiązek pracodawcy przeciwdziałania mobbingowi
* Wewnętrzna polityka antymobbingowa

3. Odpowiedzialność za mobbing.

* Odszkodowanie
* Zadośćuczynienie za doznaną krzywdę
* Odpowiedzialność karna

4. Mobbing w świetle orzecznictwa polskich sądów